The beginning of new cities in Egypt and urban development

5 July، 2023

The beginning of new cities in Egypt and urban development

To understand the Egyptian real estate market and urban development in a modern way, we must
talk about the first generation of real estate in the seventies
Minister of Housing and Urban Development and the visionary of the new urban development *
Engineer: Hasaballah Al-Kafrawi *
This stage began in the late seventies of the last century and a new vision began to restore the
strength of the state, revive the economy and build a new Egypt
After the peace treaty with Israel, getting out of conflict and wars and directing the country's
resources to progress, the vision of that stage was that of development
Urban construction in Egypt will be part of serving a larger sector, which is the industrial sector. The
state's goal was to attract industrial capital and establish
The state developed cities and extended the urban line west and east to provide employees and
manpower for factories in the new cities, so the development was
Urbanization at that stage is logistical support for the industrial zones and not a stand-alone
investment, and we mention in that article the work and implementation plan
In the first stage of urban development, the prominent sector at this stage was the public sector, so
Egypt at that stage did not
It gets rid of the burdens of the socialist economy, and it was humiliated in the beginnings of
economic openness and the transformation of the economic capitalist system for that
The most prominent sector at that stage was the public sector.
The objectives of the first phase were as follows:
1. Building large industrial cities to maximize the role of Egyptian industry and increase national
2. Eliminate unemployment and increase job opportunities.
3. Attracting foreign capital to invest in Egypt.
4. Absorbing the population increase in Egypt by increasing the areas of urbanization and services in
Egypt, and we emphasize the importance of this vision. We mention, for example.
For example, in 1990, the population in Egypt reached 55 million, and in 2022, the population
reached 105 million.
(According to the Central Agency, Public Mobilization and Statistics)
5. Building tourist cities, increasing the national income from tourism, diversifying sources of
income, and improving the level of entertainment in Egypt.
6. Eliminate traffic congestion and population density.
7. Connecting the roads and the governorates of Egypt with a strong network of roads, with
important logistical support to facilitate internal and external trade.
Successes of this stage:
1. Sixth of October City, 1999
The area is 52 thousand acres, the current population is 1,500,000 citizens - and services are 43 - 26
schools - 4 hospitals - universities - 1596 factories -
The number of job opportunities is 95 thousand job opportunities - the number of population units
exceeds half a million
2. Sadat City.
And the number of new cities reached 17 new cities with new developed industrial complexes, so
that stage was a civilized shift and one of the most important stages
Urban development in the era of modern Egypt.

Some projects available
